The performance I’m Fine is deeply concerned with moving the audience into a state of feeling, through anger on the part of the performer. In this way I view my practice as cathartically dialogical. When I say catharsis I mean: To purge. An emotional cleansing that can be experienced as therapeutic but never therapy. In other words, a strong laxative, that allows one to shit out what is no longer necessary. This extreme change in emotion (on the part of the performer) is where the audience could potentially become activated by his or her own catharsis. I’m Fine has been performed at the following: International Festival of Live Art in Glasgow, Scotland, Grace Exhibition Space and Lumen Festival in New York, Hillyer Art Space in DC, Le Lieu in Québec, Canada, SUPERNOVA Performance Art Festival in Rosslyn, Virginia, little berlin in Philadelphia, Performance Platform in Lublin, Poland at Labirynt Gallery, Performatorium: Festival of Queer Performance in Regina, Canada at Neutral Ground Gallery, New Genre XXII-B, Living Art Space, Tulsa, OK and, Mostra Performatus 2nd International Performance Festival, SESC Santos, São Paulo-Santos, Brazil.

“Through this grotesque glamour, gender ambiguity prevailed with a mimicry of (and related challenge to) binary codes. This led us to a question: In the ritual of passing, when do the behaviors we are all taught to adopt stop being “fine” Canadian Art