F to is a queer faerie tale that is a performative video collaboration with Hayley Morgenstern.
F to takes its visual cues from the film Daisies, written and directed by Vera Chytilová, the writing of Angela Carter, as well as the historical renditions of fairy tales in both literature and cinema.
F to becomes a visual representation of our textual/theoretical research about FTM transgender and lesbian histories and their relationship to each other.
F to becomes a queer engagement with normative tropes of hetero-narrative fairy tales.
F to subverts these tropes of punishment used in fairy tales to enforce strict gender and sexual binaries.
F to becomes a visual non-linear narrative relishing in the queer pleasures of romance.
F to becomes a visual representation of our textual/theoretical research about FTM transgender and lesbian histories and their relationship to each other.
F to becomes a queer engagement with normative tropes of hetero-narrative fairy tales.
F to subverts these tropes of punishment used in fairy tales to enforce strict gender and sexual binaries.
F to becomes a visual non-linear narrative relishing in the queer pleasures of romance.